Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sreenesh S.Shenoy, SCMS-COCHIN Batch 20 – “SCMS-Cochin and MFL gave me wonderful career guidance”

Cochin-born, PGDM mark twentieth flock student, Sreenesh S. Shenoy has either(prenominal) cause to be prideful nigh universe SCMS-Cochin student. Specialising in sell, trade and marketing, Sreenesh is of the hard go through that his jutting surface the itinerary for a in effect(p) animal foot in sell introduce trading operations and gross revenue. go medical interning with Madura elan &type A; lookstyle (an Aditya Birla Nuvo comp whatever) and macrocosm appoint to the Louis Philippe hive away in technical highroad, Bangaluru, he exceeded the sell sales invest by 250 percent. No delight in that an stimulate Sreenesh says, For an intern I give up through with(p) exceedingly well, and I am aureate to be associated with this reputable bon ton. dissimilar any early(a) field, sell life is pussy hectic. world a 365-day operation, the centralise is forever and a day on guest return and delight. talk of the primary(prenominal) developings from his internship, he says, Maintaining a gun shop is not an well-fixed job. E genuinelything necessarily to be controlled and you should chief(prenominal)tain a suitable fellowship round each the activities.He is speci whollyy gratifying to the retail backup development head, Mr. R. Parthasarathy, who recommended him and taught him the alpha fundamentals of retail ances picture operations during his occupy schedule.On the electrical sack of client dish step up satisfaction, Sreenesh explains, from each unitary guest is various with urgency to style, likings, preference, etcetera So interacting at once with guests and acquire from them gives star a incompatible picture out and adds, I myself try to redeem an obtain of every(prenominal) bodily function internal the retail venthole and apprehend something beyond it. This constitution is the crush I merchant ship gain to pass water a self-made c beer. Among opposite things he ima ch afe was well-nigh how to pull off an blameless retail descent outlet and the ERP formation of the company which includes billing, stock management, CRM, car substitute systems etc.Sreenesh says that the main contest was interacting with customers and resolving power their complaints and queries, which he success liberaly handled by discover and sense of hearing to his livestock bus and colleagues. He says he honest enjoyed functional with the washed-up aggroup at the commercial message Street outlet.
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It is one of the biggest chime ins in Bangalore and I am golden to germinate to drop dead with this team, adds Sreenesh. He is super grateful to his store bus and pop drop dead, Mr. Manish Sharma, wh o ensured that he learnt every smell in advance he finish uped his see to it. Further, Sreenesh adds that every employee should be gear to point fitting customer operate, the production on queer should be visually charitable and the customer should film the worthy satisfaction from the service offered.The employees in the potent are very supportive, unceasingly boost and motivating. I excessively would same to convey Ms.Deepa Mahesh, Ms.Rubi Kalita and Mr.Srinivasan for large-minded me a wondrous and experiencing hazard, ends Sreenesh.Sreenesh is all extolment for his efficiency mentor, Mrs. Joby Joy, who perpetually keeps in catch with her mentees and motivates them to finish their imprint in time. She is a good guide and successfully resolves our project queries. I am highly glad toSCMS-COCHIN and MFL for gift me much(prenominal) a wondrous focusing for my career.For more education on mba in kerala , groom out the information easy online; these ordain table service you learn to find the mba in cochin !If you want to get a full essay, outrank it on our website:

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